Ahiru no Sora

Ahiru no Sora 

He's short, weak, and has just transferred to a new school. Kurumatani Sora is the main character in this story who loves basketball. He has been shooting hoops ever since he was little and has been trying to grow tall just like his mother, who "used" to be a basketball player. What has happened to her and what Sora is going to do at the new school is all up to you to find out.

Ahiru no Sora Season 1 (Episode 1-27)

1. The Ugly Duckling 

2. Boys Without Talent

3. Momoharu's Wings 9 

4. First Flight 

5. Broken Wings

6. Now's the Time 

7. The Troublesome Freshman 

8. The Duck and the Kite 

9. Kite, His Ball and the Team's Pain

10. Manager 

11. The Boys' Stubborness and the Girls' Pride 

12. Team 

13. Differing Enthusiasm 

14. Towards Victory 

15. The Boys' Spirit

16. The Best Start and the Worst Start 

17. Versus 

18. Now... 

19. Higher Than Anyone 

20. Last Play 

21. Tears 

22. The Last Piece 

23. The Moon and the Hoop 

24. Light 

25. Undiscovered Talent 

26. Rush and Rush 

27. The Hard Play 
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